Script of maa veins.....

The Script of ma Veins.....

Listening to other’s life can give us some rare experiences and beautiful moments that we can never experience our own... Life- ...

Monday 4 April 2016

One more hour to sleep...

Time- 2:45 AM.. setting alarm for 7:45 AM. "Alarm set for 6hrs from now." ! wtf!!

OK..Lemme try another time.. 7:15 AM...:"Alarm set for 5hrs 30 mins from now." OOpS!!!!

My S7 is going crazy.. :(

Ok..My brilliancy...I will set it for 6:45 AMso that it will ring at 7:45 AM!(5hrs from now) .. ("WooW.. You are great! my boy, What an idea!") :p

Loud ring of the Alarm.. Damn! It's 6:45 only... 

"I 'll kill you Idiot Phone. I told you to ring after 5hrs. Why did you cry now!!? Don't play like this!"

Google search.. "Galaxy S7 alarm setting problems time variation". Everything, starting from S7's announcement to latest reviews were shown, except what I really wanted.. (As always, Google hides the seed. The mad guy!)

At last I discovered.....

"All the clocks in Melbourne slept for an hour last night!".They missed something between 2 AM and 3 AM.. and did a rewind to play that again.. LOL!

I am first time to this "daylight saving", even though I have seen that term in mobile's clock before.

But it's cool.. I could sleep 1 more hour.. WooW...!

I slept 6 hours between 2:45 and 7:45.. HaHa..That's really fantastic.. na?