Script of maa veins.....

The Script of ma Veins.....

Listening to other’s life can give us some rare experiences and beautiful moments that we can never experience our own... Life- ...

Sunday, 10 January 2021

The Capstone Project

(Courtesy: Photo by Dino Reichmuth on Unsplash)

Well, the first semester is done, in the degree of “life”. Not among the top five, but still not too far from there I guess- at least within my university. Now during this tiny stretch of holidays, I have to choose the subjects for next sem, like most others who are privileged for their right of choices. Some are fixed, but then there is a capstone project, for which most of the pupils take “Introduction to the institution of marriage”.

It isn’t a bad subject, neither irrelevant when we think from the mass spectrum of existence of our species. Everyone in that course will be associated with a partner and the weird thing is that the lucky ones get the right ones and some get the worst. Many people drop out and many others fail and re do the entire - heavy credited- subject all from the beginning, again. The subject also comes with a few following subjects in the later semesters like, “Growing your own kids”, which seems like a real energy demanding course, but with relatively less credits towards the degree itself. Then for those who became eligible and choose to, there is the honors, which will be a bunch of other topics covering “Taking care of the grand kids”, “Being at the disposal of others order”, “Being a guard at your own home”, etc.

Now, there is an option to opt out from this course, for some people who meet the prerequisites such as “Awareness of relationship pros and cons”, “Strong and less socially influenced”, etc. Though, opting out also makes them ineligible for many other courses and electives later on, including all the above subjects discussed before plus preventing their entry to many married-club events, which many people reckon to be nice. And then there is a high pressure social wave during the second sem, which anyone who chose to opt out will have to cope up with to focus on their degree. As the majority of the world don’t understand your courses, many of them who are close to your heart will honestly try to enlighten you to get back to normality. And the crazy ones will be left alone when everyone goes for holidays together. However, surviving all these dilemmas also gives a chunk of free credits in the degree for which one can consider a wide variety of other available courses. These include “Freedom to live on your own choices”, “Travelling without commitments, anywhere anytime”, “Doing whatever hell you like with minimum responsibilities”, “Live for the world”, etc. - some really crazy ones, which the other set of students can’t even apply to.

Now to compare the statistics, the second one has a higher rate of failure as the subjects are “less taught” and more “self learned”. Depression rates are higher and many even drop out of the degree itself due to reported loneliness. Saying that, the subjects are more “free to explore kind” and many don’t have any exams, and those who perceive this path with passion sometimes write a few unique journals or get a few revolutionary patents which will change the rest of the history of mankind. Da Vinci, Newton and Tesla are just a few to be named.

Two completely different paths, made to suit two entirely different sets of genes - one for those who strive for a life of ease and comfort, the other for them, who are strong enough to envision a life full of service and adventure. More than the journey itself, the scariest factor is the fact that its a "choose wise moment" - a wrong choice will mess up your all degree.

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