Script of maa veins.....

The Script of ma Veins.....

Listening to other’s life can give us some rare experiences and beautiful moments that we can never experience our own... Life- ...

Tuesday, 25 July 2017

The Blue and Red Bags...

I feel like - everyone is born with two sacks on their shoulders. One is to put the collection of good qualities - the other for the worse ones. We keep on adding new entries to each of them we move forward in our lives. Each and every person we meet drops at least a few pebbles to both of them. Though, it's up to us, which all need to be carried along our journey.

There is a small difference between those two sacks, actually. The one for good qualities is of blue color and the one for bad is made of red-thin plastic. Also, the first one can be tied where as the second one doesn't come with that feature. That's why people see your bad qualities well ahead of the good ones  (you know, red has got more wavelength and it is easy to notice as well). To add, the blue ones are a little bit harder to be visible and also we can use them as we want. This is to be noted because, the other bag is not perfectly under our control. Things in that can spill out anytime.

Now, imagine you are meeting a new person. You guys became friends. But of course we can't take everyone into our heart. So, how do you decide the filter? By looking at the sweet scent they put on your blue sack? Most of us -knowingly or unknowingly- go for this this, as humans get blind when we are hit with a good scent.  But that's wrong.  It shouldn't be so. The good qualities can always be tolerated, or they will never harm anything in future. It's the other side, the hidden bad characters of a person that is gonna hurt both of you. Now, if you believe you can change all those, well, it's just impossible. Or pretty hard-because I believe nothing is impossible! So just think whether you can take them or not. If you are sure you won't be able to tolerate that, just don't take that person into your heart! So simple. Or if you want them be to be in your life, "adapt yourself". Good luck.  :D

Wednesday, 19 July 2017

The Garlic Naan...

"And yet it was only while painting that I noticed how much light there still was in that darkness" The caption was still stuck somewhere in my mind after leaving the 'Van Gogh and The Seasons' exhibition hall.

Starting from the early morning shift at the Sports Centre, the day was a pretty long one with a proud feeling for accomplishing many of the ever-postponed tasks. It would have been a pathetic miss for a fan of colors, like me, if I didn't visit National Gallery of Victoria that morning.  To mention, Van Gogh was an influential western artist of late 19th century who created impossible color combinations on his canvas and showed his love for seasons and colors of nature.  

Thanks to my Chinese friend, who somehow managed to bring out this brilliant Friday evening-plan with her struggling English. Her amusement to see those amazing pieces of color combinations absorbed on a canvas was quiet surprising for me. I hardly had any idea that she has an artistic touch even though she is my good friend since last one year.

We had a good talk, listening to the waves of yarra river, feeling the cold wind and watching the naughty Seagles. We almost covered everything from the east coast of China, Shanghai, her home town to the south-most tip of India, Kerala, my own heaven. Topics varied from food, culture to the entirely different concepts of languages. Said to be speakers of two of the toughest languages of the world, Malayalam and Chinese (Well, I know, it's a comparison of the youngest member of language family to the ever old grand parent! But, still, they both were born for the same purpose and are beautiful too.) , I noticed that we could mimic almost all the hardest pronunciations of each other's language.

The funniest part of the day was the dinner tough, when I took her to an Indian restaurant and ordered "Garlic Naan and butter chicken", specially for her. Lol! I still remember the way she did the "Surgery with her knives" . May be because of the fact that I had plenty of time to watch her beautiful act of eating after quickly finishing the meal in the so called Indian way. I couldn't resist my laugh as she said " I am tired" in her Chinese slang when I ordered the second Naan for her! She had to eat, and more over, to give a feedback "awesome food" on that genuine colorful winter eve!